How to Balance Graphic Design, art, and music without losing your mind: A day in the life of an imperfect multipassionate creative

Hopefully my title warned you a little. What I am sharing is an ideal day in my life. I’ll be honest - most of my days don’t look like this. But what I am sharing is what I strive for, and little by little, I am making progress toward having more days where everything feels like it is falling into place. Life as a full - time graphic designer trying to build an art business and keep my passion for music alive isn’t easy, but on those rare days when the stars align, here’s how it goes.

Morning: Wake up and smell the caffeine dependency

On my best days, I’m up at 5 a.m. (this doesn’t happen as often as I’d like). I start with a good breakfast, take my thyroid meds - because autoimmune things <3 - and get in a workout.

Afterward, I do my hair and makeup, throw on something presentable, and hopefully do my morning pages (credit to Julia Cameron). These mornings make me feel unstoppable, but truthfully, many mornings are more rushed than this. It’s a work in progress.

By 8 a.m., I’m off to my day job.

Work Life: Posters, Banners, and menus (oh my!)

From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., I’m designing ads, banners, menus, and posters for various beverage brands - most of them alcoholic. It’s a bit ironic, considering I don’t drink, but I really like my job. The alcohol industry is a place where fun and creativity are embraced - which leads to some pretty cool outcomes in terms of design. As well as opportunities to add a little joy to local events and support restaurants and businesses in my community. The creative challenges keep me engaged while giving me the financial stability to pursue my art and music on the side.

Evening: The comfy Clothes Come out

By 5 p.m., I’m home and can’t wait to swap my work clothes for something cozy. I’m not going to lie - this is usually when I fall into the phone-scrolling trap. Social media, texts, whatever - it’s easy to lose time here and we all have our vices. Mine just happens to require a high speed internet connection.

Eventually, I make dinner, hang out with my partner and our cats, maybe call my mom. These moments of connection are what keep me grounded, even on chaotic days.

Creative time: Say it with me “progress is progress”

After chores ( which I often procrastinate on), I try to squeeze in an hour or two of creative time. This is where the magic - or at least the effort - happens. I might:

  • Paint or work on commissions

  • Sketch new ideas

  • Write or record music

  • Practice bass covers

  • Post on social media or update my website

It’s hard to balance all my passions, and most nights I can only chip aay at one or two things. But even small progress adds up over time.

Night: Winding down (Eventually)

By the end of the day, I brush my teeth, floss, wash my face, and take a shower if I have the energy. If I’m lucky, I’m in bed by 11:30 p.m. though it doesn’t always work out that way .

The Reality of it all

Most of my days aren’t this productive or balanced. Some days, I barely make it through work and dinner before collapsing on the couch. But every time I have one of these “aligned” days, it reminds me of what I am working toward - and that it is possible, even if it’s not consistent yet. In terms of mastery I think they call this the conscious incompetence phase?

For anyone else trying to juggle a full-time job, a creative business, personal passions, health, and all of the things that make life wonderful - Know that it’s okay to not have it all figured out. Progress doesn’t have to be perfect. Some days, just showing up for one small thing is enough. And hopefully it helps knowing that there is at least one other person out there cheering you on!

Here’s to striving for balance, celebrating the good days, and being kind to ourselves on the messy ones.

Love and Luck,


How to Choose the Perfect Piece of Art for Your Space